University of Missouri Students' Underwater Robotics Foundation

Welcome to Mizzou SURF

Students’ Underwater Robotics Foundation is an engineering student organization that strives to implement the knowledge of engineering courses to real life projects. Mizzou SURF designs and manufactures marine robotic projects. SURF is a competition team with an element of robotic research. We are currently hard at work preparing for the 2024 RoboSub competition at the Woollett Aquatics Center in Irvine, California!

Meet the Team:

Co-President and Electrical Team Leader

Amelia Truong
Co-President and Electrical Team Member

"My name is Amelia Truong and I am a sophomore studying computer engineering. I like SURF because it has allowed me to experience real applications of my major that I couldn’t have gotten from classes during my freshman year."

Contact: [email protected]

Co-President and Software Team Leader

Kendra Minch
Co-President and Software Team Leader

"My name is Kendra Minch and I am a Senior studying Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. Mizzou SURF has allowed me to learn more about programming autonomous systems and problem solving in a team environment."

Contact: [email protected]

Vice-President and Mechanical Team Leader

Matt Cira
Vice-President and Mechanical Team Leader

"I am Matt Cira and am a current Senior in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering program. SURF provides me with the real life, hands on application of my courses while allowing me to work through the complex problems of waterproof robotic systems."

Contact: [email protected]


Ethan Anderson

Contact : [email protected]

Busniess Outreach Officer

Daniel Hough
Busniess Outreach Officer

"I am Daniel Hough and I’m a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering. SURF has provided me with hands-on engineering experiences, like design, manufacturing, and waterproofing."

Contact : [email protected]

Social Media and 3D Printing Tech

Matt Ferguson
Social Media and 3D Printing Tech

"Hi, I’m Matt Ferguson and I’m a sophomore majoring in Electrical engineering and minoring in Nuclear engineering here at Mizzou. SURF has provided me with practical and hands-on experiences of engineering, like the implementation of software, electronics, additive manufacturing, and waterproofing into our competition robot."

Contact: [email protected]

Mechanical Team Lead

Kate Sherard
Social Media and 3D Printing Tech

My name is Kate Sherard and I am a graduating senior in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. During my time in SURF I have been able to learn skills from a variety of engineering disciplines and lead others through the engineering design process.

Contact: [email protected]


6/22/2024 - Presenting to Missouri Scholars

SURF members Matt Ferguson, Daniel Hough, and Henry Bloch enjoyed meetin the Missouri Scholars Academy scholars and showcasing our subs and the buildroom! A huge thanks to MSA for the opportunity!

6/17/24 - Submitting for Robosub 2024

For SURFs third time as a team, we will be attending the Robosub competition! This year it will be held at the Irvine, CA at Woollett Aquatics Center. Team members Amelia Truong, Kendra Minch, Daniel Hough, Isaac Jensen, Henry Bloch, Nikola Radinovic, and Luke Deffenbaugh will be traveling to attend.

4/13/2024 - Presenting for SWE Daughter's Day

Two of our members, Amelia Troung and Kendra Minch, had the pleasure of presenting at Mizzou's Society of Women Engineers' Daughter Day event. This event was to help inspire young women to pursue careers and hobbies in STEM!


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"Jelly 2.0"

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mizzou solidworks mathworks
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Want to help sponsor our team? Contact us below to donate or find more ways to help!